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Why You Need to Schedule a Maintenance Check Today?

HVAC Parts
Yes, you might need a maintenance check today depending on a few conditions. An HVAC system is not a luxury anymore. It has become a part of modern life, and most people use them to get their home to a comfortable place. 

However, they ignore essential maintenance. The result is obvious. They spend more on AC repair in Pasadena. Also, a poorly working AC unit causes a lot of other problems. Users will not get the desired coolness in the hot summer, but the irritating noise is another concern. One can avert all these with a regular checkup. 

Some conditions demand immediate attention. When the energy bill is considerably high and is creating a disturbing noise, it is time to call an air conditioning service in Pasadena. 

Reasons Why to Schedule a Maintenance Check

For better clarity, here are a few conditions that might compel you to schedule a maintenance check today. 

Poor Functioning

The cooling and heating systems are designed to last up to twenty years without causing a significant replacement. Primary replacement in the initial few years means there is a problem with maintenance. When your system works hard to offer the desired coolness, it affects the different parts, and finally, it might lead to a breakdown. The system will stop working. All these conditions will warrant an air conditioning repair in Pasadena. If you find that your system is not offering coolness, then there is an indication that it needs immediate attention. It will not demand a significant expense when the issue will be addressed immediately.

High-Energy Bills

A high energy bill without any apparent cause is a sign that the AC system is not in good condition. When an AC unit tries hard to offer better performance, it consumes more energy. After a few months, it might stop working suddenly. Therefore, whenever there is an unexpected rise in the energy bill, users can contact an air conditioning repair in Pasadena to fix the issue.

Disturbing Noise

Some systems start creating sound when they do not work fine. Noise can be alarming, especially in the night hours. It will affect sleep and can cause health issues as well. When users experience any unexpected and loud noise, they should contact the professionals for an immediate checkup and find a solution.

Polluted Indoor Air

An AC system can pollute the indoor air significantly when the air filters are in poor condition. Polluted indoor air can aggravate existing respiratory issues and can cause one. It is suggested to replace the air filters more frequently once in a month to maintain the indoor air quality. Whenever there is a sign of unhealthy indoor air, it is time to schedule an appointment.

All these conditions can warrant an immediate HVAC checkup. When these issues are avoided for a long, they can lead to significant complications. In some situations, a replacement will be the only solution. Replacements can be avoided by paying attention to regular maintenance.

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You're expert plumbing and HVAC professionals in Anaheim and Palm Desert. 24-hour emergency plumbing service and HVAC repair are available. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

Benefits of an HVAC Check-Up

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People use HVAC systems to get the desired comfort in adverse weather conditions. However, they take a little effort to maintain their AC units. As a result, they ended up spending more on repair and replacement. Regular maintenance will make an AC unit more efficient as well as prevent significant repair while ensuring an extended life. An AC repair in Orange County has both 

When an AC system is not maintained, it will demand more energy to offer the coolness. The systems will work hard, and that will cause more energy consumption. Also, users can experience some disturbing noise that can affect sleep in the middle of the night. All these complications can be avoided by hiring an air conditioning service in Orange County. 

Reasons to Get A Regular Check-Up

Here are a few benefits of a regular HVAC check-up. 

Smooth Functioning 

An air conditioning system is subjected to normal wear and tear. It might be working well without causing any disturbance. But suddenly, it might stop working when maintenance is avoided for a long. The air filter might not work. Also, a weak system demands more energy. However, it will not offer the required coolness even if it consumes more power. In this condition, only an air conditioning repair in Orange County can fix the issue. When the problem is significant, the expenses will be additional. In some situations, the service might ask to replace some parts. All these expenses can be averted with regular maintenance. The system will work fine without causing an abrupt stop in a busy day or in the middle of the night. 

Improved Efficiency 

Energy efficiency is the key benefit. A weak system consumes up to thirty percent more energy. The system needs to work hard to offer the desired coolness. With regular maintenance, the energy bill can be minimized. The experts will examine the system during the regular check-up and will find out the issue. They will check the operating system, air filters, connections, thermostat calibrations, and other parts to ensure improved performance. 

A Durable Result

A well-maintained AC will perform better and will work for a long time without causing significant replacements. The heating and cooling systems come with a lifetime of two decades. Users need to make their system run until that period with regular maintenance. When not maintained properly, the system might stop working within a decade and even before that. Regular check-up is the key to getting an extended lifetime. Also, it will prevent any significant replacement. 

Improved Air Quality 

The indoor air is more polluted than the outside air. To maintain the indoor air quality, the experts will replace the air filters every month. Monthly filter replacement will make the indoor air clean, healthy, and toxin-free. It can be best, especially when someone is suffering from respiratory issues. 

Keeping an AC system in good shape will help in many ways to maintain the indoor air quality and the comfort of a home.

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Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

Tips for lowering your cooling costs

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Are you tired of the high energy bills every month? If yes, it is important to ensure the optimal performance of your air conditioning unit. 

Ideally, you should immediately get your AC checked if you hear strange noises or observe a stark difference in the airflow. While these issues might seem minor, they can take a bigger shape in the long run. 

The result: a waste of money, time, and effort. 

The right AC service company will send expert professionals to your homes who will check the AC and conduct the necessary repairs right away. Having serviced multiple homes and businesses, these experts will carry out the right repairs. This will not just save your costs, but also save plenty of effort. In case you’re still hesitant and are wondering how to lower energy costs, here are some things you should know about!

Run Your AC Economically

If you’re looking to cut down on high energy bills, it is essential to run your AC more economically. You can do this by setting it at a temperature according to your liking and use a programmable thermostat to tweak it when you’re out. This can decrease your cooling bills by 10%.

Get Your AC Checked

 Getting your AC checked is essential because it plays a significant role in boosting the energy efficiency of your home. Since it also reduces the operational costs of ACs, these services are practically indispensable for your property. The right air conditioning service in Palm Desert will ensure your air conditioner is cleaned of every minor and significant speck of dirt or debris. What’s more, they will also ensure that your system runs at its maximum potential. You can choose annual or quarterly servicing for the best results.

Maintain Your Cooling Unit

If you have a car, you will know that the better you maintain it, the longer will it offer you service. Interestingly, your air conditioning device works in the same fashion. A basic air conditioning unit can run for 15 to 20 years. And when you get regularly assessed by an expert, you will end up getting more miles on it. The right AC repair palm desert will enhance your system’s efficiency so that it lasts you for several years down the line.

Do Not Ignore Minor Issues

Very often, we ensure long-standing issues in our air-conditioning units deeming them as minor or inconsequential. But such is not always the case! Unless you address them at the right time, these issues can take a terrible shape, eventually resulting in expensive repairs. A good air conditioning repair Palm desert company will identify and address the issue at the right time. The result: you’ll be saved of hefty and expensive repairs in the long run. 

Are These Professionals Worth Your Time?

Yes, AC repair experts are certainly worth your time. With several years of experience and complete understanding of business, these professionals are fully aware of what’ll work best for your air conditioning system. The carefully assess your systems and offer solutions that keep it up and running for a long time. So, if you are really looking to save costs, time, and efforts, consult these professionals right away! With their right expertise, NexGen will ensure that you do not shell out thousands in energy bills. Our team will make sure that your AC is fully functional and efficient, just like you always wanted.

Call NexGen Today

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

Nicotine Residue from Smoking Can Transfer Between Rooms Through Your Vents

repair man checking vent
It’s been years since people regularly smoked cigarettes indoors in public places and office environments. Most people don’t even smoke cigarettes indoors at home.


With the recent advent of vaping e-cigarettes, there has been a revival of the indoor smoker. Because of this resurgence in indoor smoking, we’d like to discuss how smoke from vaping can affect your HVAC system, your home, and your air quality.

Although it’s believed that e-cigarettes are a cleaner smoke than cigarettes, there are still some residues left over including nicotine and carcinogens from burnt organic materials.

So how do these residues affect your home?

Nicotine and other substances that make up smoke can move through your home’s air vents and leave residues on surfaces in other rooms of your house.

There has not been much study done to the chemical composition of exhaled e-cigarette smoke, so there may be many more chemicals involved that can lower the quality of your air.

What makes e-cigarette smoke even more unpredictable is the fact that the manufacturers of e-cigarette refill fluids have various flavors and are always changing their ingredients, making for a wild-card situation when it comes to knowing what is actually being circulated throughout your home’s air vents.

What can you do about residues from e-cigarette smoke?

We’re not here to tell you whether you should smoke e-cigarettes or not, but if you or someone in your home does, there are a few steps to take to ensure your air quality stays optimal.

We hope you have the information needed to make an informed decision about your home’s air quality in relation to e-cigarette smoke. If you’d like to know more about air purification or would like to schedule an appointment for a NexGen technician to come over and consult you about your air quality, call us today!

Call NexGen HVAC & Plumbing

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

Electric or Gas Furnace?

tankless water heater
One of the biggest questions regarding furnaces is which type is best? Electric or Gas? Well, there are many factors that weigh in on this discussion regarding the two. They both have their pros and cons, but the biggest question of all, which one is right for you? There are many factors you need to take into account when deciding which one is the best. These factors include cost, efficiency, size, durability, as well as safety concerns, installation requirements, and housing requirements. Some people do not have the availability to debate the two because of their living situation and location. Natural Gas is the most popular fuel source for the United States but some areas are not able to use this because of location restrictions.

Pros of Electric Furnaces

Cons of Electric Furnaces

Pros of Gas Furnaces

Cons of Gas Furnaces

Cost Comparison

The upfront costs of Electric Furnaces tend to be cheaper than gas furnaces. But over time electric furnaces typically end up being more costly than gas because the cost to run an electric furnace is a tad more pricey than gas. The electric furnace also uses a little more energy to heat your home. So it might be worth the upfront investment for the gas furnace because it will save your pockets over time.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

A gas-powered system is less expensive to operate because of the price difference in the utility and a few other factors. Gas furnaces are more effective when it comes to heating an entire home in a cold weather area. Gas tends to be more effective in heating a home because of its ability to create and transfer heat energy. This is why electrically powered furnaces tend to be more costly to operate, especially in cold climates. So if you live in a cold area, a gas furnace might be the right choice for you. If you do not live in a cold area and only see yourself using your heater once in a while then electric may be the choice for you! It is cheaper to purchase and install, as well as safer to operate.

Call NexGen HVAC & Plumbing

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

Types of Tankless Water Heaters

tankless water heater
Tankless water heaters have become very popular lately for several good reasons. Tankless hot water heaters are more energy efficient than traditional units because they heat water as it is used, rather than heating and reheating water in a storage tank. They also take up significantly less physical space, as they do not have a bulky storage tank. But what kind is going to be right for your home and what should you know about them?

There are three types of tankless hot water heaters available:


This is the first generation of tankless unit. These units use a heat exchanger to heat your water on-demand, and reach an Efficiency Factor (EF) of .82-.85. This technology has been in use in Europe and Japan for decades and is well-proven. The advantage of this type of unit is in reliability in that they are established products with few manufacturing issues. Some of the drawbacks of non-condensing units include hot exhaust, which means you have to install (expensive) stainless steel venting, and lower energy efficiency – in particular, the efficiency of these units drop when you use lots of hot water in short draws (i.e. washing your hands).


Condensing units are the second generation of tankless water heaters. After a primary heat exchanger, these units use a second heat exchanger, which reuses the heat from your exhaust to further heat the water. This results in an increased efficiency of 92-94%. The benefit of cooler exhaust is that these units can be vented using (inexpensive) PVC, while the drawbacks included a higher unit cost and, similar to non-condensing units, a lower efficiency for short water draws.

Condensing hybrid:

Condensing hybrid units are the third generation of tankless water heaters and were pioneered in the United States. These heaters incorporate a small – between 1 liter and 2-gallon – holding tank. This small holding tank keeps a reservoir of hot water, eliminating lower efficiency for short draws, meaning these water heaters achieve a true EF of .92-.96. A recent study by the Gas Technology Institute measured real life efficiency of condensing hybrid tankless water heaters and found the units consistently operated at 94% efficiency with little to no degradation due to short draws.

These units can also be vented in PVC which is less expensive. In some cases, the units also addressed “cold water sandwich” issues and pressure fluctuations that sometimes occurred with first and second-generation models. There may also be slightly less lag in the time it takes to deliver hot water to the tap or appliance. One of the drawbacks (as of writing) of this technology is that because it’s newer, most models are manufactured by smaller companies. In some cases, there have been manufacturing-quality and warranty issues with these units. Product reliability is improving but it’s important to be careful about the brand you purchase.

Call NexGen HVAC & Plumbing

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

Can HEPA filters Stop Allergies?

air filter
Flowers are blooming, the grass is green and lush, and trees are bursting with new leaves… Don’t you just love this time of year?

Not so much if you have allergies.

When the pollen count is out of control, all you want to do is hide in an air-conditioned room until fall. Unfortunately, that probably won’t help.

You might think your air conditioning system will filter out all those nasty allergens from the air, but without the right air filters for allergies, you’ll still be sniffling and sneezing your way through the season.

And it’s not just pollen you need to worry about! The summer heat and humidity make the conditions ripe for the growth of mold and mildew, which can also bring on allergy symptoms.

Learn the facts about choosing the right air filters for allergies, as well as other HVAC maintenance tips that can reduce your suffering this season.

Fact #1 About Air Filters for Allergies:

Regular HVAC filters are intended to protect the equipment, not your lungs and sinuses.

Many people mistakenly believe that the air filters in furnaces and air conditioners keep dust and allergens out of the air.

That’s not what HVAC filters are designed to do. Their purpose is to keep dust out of the equipment to prevent damage to the system and keep it running efficiently.

While ordinary furnace and ac filters do help to remove some dust from the air (when changed regularly!), they do little to trap the microscopic particles that cause the sneezing and wheezing of allergy season.

That’s why you need special air filters for allergies that are designed to stop those tiny particles.

Fact #2 About Air Filters for Allergies:

Ordinary paper filters can’t trap allergens.

Those paper filters ordinarily used in your furnace and air conditioner are designed to trap large particles like dust that can accumulate on the motor and fans and reduce efficiency. However, particles like mold, bacteria, and certain types of pollen are much smaller in size, so they slip right through the fibers of those regular filters.

That means they get circulated through your ductwork and blown back into your space.

Air filters for allergies are designed to block much smaller particles, so your air stays cleaner. They are called “high energy particulate air filters” or more commonly, HEPA filters.

Because HEPA filters are made from densely packed layers of glass fibers instead of paper, the best ones can trap more than 99 percent of pollen, dust and smoke particles and keep them out of the air you breathe every day.

Fact #3 About Air Filters for Allergies:

All HEPA filters are not created equal.

Unfortunately, it’s not good enough just to look for a HEPA filter for your air conditioner. To get the best results, you need to check the MERV ratings.

HVAC HEPA air filters for allergies are rated on how well they block particles of different sizes. The rating system is called the minimum efficiency reporting system, or MERV. The ratings range from MERV 1 to MERV 12, with the higher number indicating filters that can remove the smallest particles, including many species of pollen.

Your HVAC service professional can help you get and install the best MERV-rated filter for your air conditioning and heating systems. Ideally you want to choose a MERV rating of 10 or higher, which are most effective at blocking the particles that cause allergy symptoms.

Fact #4 About Air Filters for Allergies:

You need to change those filters more frequently than you think.

HEPA air filters for allergies need to be changed more frequently than ordinary paper HVAC filters, especially during high pollen season.

That means changing them at least every other month, and possibly more often depending on your location. An HVAC service expert can advise you on what’s recommended for your equipment and your area.

Fact #5 About Air Filters for Allergies:

The right filter is only half the story.

Using the right air filters for allergies does help to reduce the allergens in the air, but don’t forget about cleaning it from the rest of your HVAC system. If you haven’t had your air conditioning system maintained at least once every year, you’ve likely got quite a bit of buildup on the blower fans and in your ductwork.

Did you know that the air you breathe cycles through your HVAC system about 5 to 7 times each day? If you have not been using the right HEPA air filters for allergies AND not maintaining your air conditioning system, years’ worth of dust, pollen and even mold spores are sitting in on your equipment and in your ducts right now.

Check out our list of 31 HVAC tips to learn about even more air quality and AC tips for your home!

Call NexGen HVAC & Plumbing

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

AC Performance In Extreme Heat

Central air conditioning systems are designed to suit the size of your home and the amount of air it needs to cool or heat. The size of the specific AC unit, the condenser, is chosen to be efficient for 98% of the typical high temperatures in your area (climate). So for that 2% extreme, like we are having this summer in Palm Desert and Palm Springs, your AC system may actually be undersized. But this is by design. Otherwise, if you went with a larger system that had no trouble pumping the volumes of cool air needed during these extremely hot days, your system would be quite inefficient 98% of the time. And that’s really, almost all the time – not a good thing.

The larger system costs more to install and it consumes more energy to run, all costing you more money. Because it pumps more air volume it cools the house much faster. You might think this was a good thing but instead it means the system is running through off and on cycles at a much higher rate. The shorter cooling cycles means it is not quite running long enough to be pulling humidity out of your home. Removing humidity is part of how an air conditioner works. The condensing coil condenses water out of the air and the heat exchange process during that activity is what creates the cooler air. Warmer air and moisture is then exited from your home. Dryer air, even when warmer, is more comfortable for the human body as it allows our own biological air conditioner, our sweat, to be more efficient. Not removing sufficient humidity from your home could also lead to mold problems.

These are some of the reasons an over-sized AC system is just an all around bad idea. But you can still make the system you have work for you in these 100+ degree conditions.

Getting More Efficiency Out of Your AC System

To make it easier for your AC system to reliably pump out cool air when it’s over 100 degrees outside you need to give it some help.

In a nutshell it comes down to reducing heat gains in the home. Some of the basics are;

Anything you can do to keep the house stay cooler, even a little bit, means the AC does not need to be running as long for each cooling cycle.

AC Maintenance is Key!

Your central air system should be getting a maintenance check-up at least once a year. Ideally the AC unit should be checked before peak demand during Palm Desert's summer heat, to ensure it’s running at its best when you need it most. It will be running hard through these multiple 100+ degrees days and may even need a check-up later on after all that heavy use.

Call NexGen HVAC & Plumbing

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

Is Your Landlord Responsible for Your AC?

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During sweltering summer days air conditioning can seem like it is a necessity. While a good air conditioner can make your rental unit a much more comfortable place to be during the summer is it legally required in California?

Habitability Requirements

Rental houses and apartments in California must comply with habitability requirements. This includes having plumbing, heating, electrical, and gas systems in good working order. A cooling unit isn’t listed as a requirement of habitability, so a landlord does not have to provide one. The rental unit must receive adequate ventilation, however.

Unless a fan or other type of ventilation system is installed in the rental unit, most rooms require a window. The minimum window size usually measures 20 inches by 24 inches and the window must open at least halfway.

Ask About The Cooling System

Even though landlords don’t face a requirement to provide an air conditioner in a rental house or apartment, many landlords provide a cooling unit to increase the desirability of the property. In some areas of California with low humidity, landlords install an evaporative or swamp cooler to meet cooling needs. Tenants should ask about the availability of a working cooling system before they decide to rent the house or apartment.

Who Is Responsible When

If the landlord provided an operable air conditioning system in the rental house or apartment when the tenants moved in, the tenants can expect the landlord to maintain the air conditioning system, keeping it in good working order. If the system stops working through no fault of the tenants, the landlord is responsible for repairing or replacing the air conditioning system. On the other hand, if the tenants caused the failure of the air conditioning system, they pay the cost of AC repair.

A phone call followed by a written statement notifies the landlord of a non-functioning air conditioning system. You then must give the landlord a reasonable period – around 14 days to a month – to make the repairs. If the landlord refuses to fix your broken air conditioning unit, you may consider using the “repair and deduct” remedy. With this remedy, you pay to fix the air conditioner and deduct the cost from the rent. However, the repair cost can’t exceed one month’s rent and you can only use this remedy once a year.

Now while this may not sound like good news exactly it is also not the worst news. If your landlord had an air conditioning system installed and working at the time you moved in it is their responsibility to maintain it. As it is not legally required however it would be in a renter’s best interest to make sure that there is a functioning air conditioning system even when moving in in the winter time.

It is simple enough to check and only takes a few minutes. Have someone with you when looking at the property turn the thermostat to cooling mode and see if the outdoor condensing unit comes on and runs relatively quietly listen for vibration specifically which could indicate a problem. Within a few minutes, cool air should come out of the vents, this would indicate that the air conditioning was in “working order” upon your move-in date.

Call NexGen Today

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.

How cool should my house be if it's over 100 outside?

The summer temperatures in Palm Desert, California are here and it's HOT outside. Many people have received their second or third summer electric bills – and they're literally breaking out in a sweat over the amount due!

When it's about 110 degrees in Palm Desert, Palm Springs, or Indio, California, it's hot enough for anyone and anything. Learn the best way for you to set your thermostat this summer – even if it's not exactly what you want to hear or you prefer a relatively chilly indoor air temperature.

The Case for a Warmer Indoor Air Temperature

Making “the case” for a warmer indoor air temperature during the summer rests on three truisms:

The California Energy Commission recommends that homeowners set their thermostat to 78 degrees when they're home and 85 degrees when they're away from home during the summer. Note that this is a better strategy than turning off your air conditioner on 100-degree days – so that you don't return home to indoor air that feels like a sauna, and so that your air conditioner won't have to run as long to cool your home upon your return.

The center's advice is based on the U.S. Department of Energy's often repeated mantra about thermostat controls and saving energy: when you can adjust your thermostat by between 10 and 15 degrees for eight hours at a stretch – higher during the summer and lower during the winter – you can save between 5 and 15 percent on your utility bill. This one adjustment can add up to considerable savings, though it might mean sticking with a minimalist wardrobe during the summer (and reaching for a sweater during the winter).

Keep Your Cool

Admittedly, some people simply do not tolerate warm weather well. And some people suffer from health issues that make a cool indoor air temperature an absolute necessity.

Be sure to make allowances for such conditions and take proactive measures to help you stay cool indoors with or without air conditioning -- and even before the temperature soars to three digits outdoors:

When it's 100 degrees outdoors, you're likely to feel the heat indoors. Ensuring that your home is properly sealed and insulated against air leaks will mitigate your discomfort – and help keep your utility bills in check.

Call NexGen HVAC & Plumbing

Our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the leading HVAC company in Southern California. To learn more about our equipment, services, and protection plan, book an appointment online or call 888-277-0415.