Find out about NEXGEN's latest news, important information about your equipment, tips and tricks.
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Is it Worth It to Repipe a House?
NEXGENs plumbers near you ensure repiping a house is worth it if you have old pipes. They can improve water quality, water pressure, and property value.
Why does ice form in a ductless split AC (Air Conditioner)?
Is your ductless mini-split system forming ice? Find out why this may be the case and what you can do to fix it.
Reasons Your Heater is Blowing Cold Air
Is your heater blowing cold air? Here are some steps you can take to fix it. If your heater needs serious help, call NEXGEN Air: Conditioning & Heating! We serve all of Southern California & even have offices in Anaheim, Northridge & Palm Desert.
Why is My Mini-Split Freezing Up in Heat Mode?
Several issues can result in a mini-split freezing up in heat mode. If the unit won’t defrost or ice is a persistent issue, call NEXGEN for prompt repairs.
Tankless Water Heater Repair vs. Replacement
The decision over tankless water heater repair vs. replacement depends on a unit’s age, repair cost/frequency, efficiency, and more. Call NEXGEN today.
A Guide to Indoor Air Quality & Air Filtration
This is a complete guide to Indoor Air Quality and Air Filtration. We cover how to improve IAQ, all you need to know when buying a new air filtration system for your home, and more.
Why Does a Furnace Cost So Much?
A furnace costs so much because of the prices heating companies set, the complexity of equipment, safety concerns, and various installation factors.
Should You Install a Furnace or Heat Pump in Your Palm Springs Home?
If you live in the desert climate of Palm Springs, California, you may be wondering whether you should get a furnace or a heat pump for your home. Here’s some information to help you with your decision.
Nicotine Residue From Smoking Transfers Between Rooms Through Vents
With the recent advent of vaping e-cigarettes, there has been a revival of the indoor smoker. Because of this resurgence in indoor smoking, we’d like to discuss how smoke from vaping can affect your HVAC system, your home, and your air quality.
Should I Get a Smart Thermostat? We Say Yes!
Your thermostat plays a huge role in the comfort of your home. Without a modern, programmable thermostat, your air conditioner would run continuously, and it’ll be quite the hassle to manually turn it off every time you want to save energy.
Nest Temperature Sensor Benefits
Did you know that having a Nest temperature sensor allows you to control individual rooms' temperature and can help you save money? Learn more!
Project X Map Recipient Al B. Receives Free AC Unit
Read Al's story: CA resident and 80 year old Korean war veteran received a free air conditioner as MAP recipient from NEXGEN Air Conditioning and Heating!
Is Your Landlord Responsible for Your AC? The Truth May Surprise You!
If you rent a home in California, specifically in desert climates such as Palm Desert, you may be surprised to find out that your landlord is not responsible for your air conditioning repairs.
Is a Landlord Responsible for Changing Air Filters in California?
Is a landlord responsible for changing air filters in California? Find out when a landlord may or may not be required to maintain air filters and ACs.
Which type of HVAC unit is right for my home in Orange County?
Choosing the right HVAC unit for your come can be tough. Let the best HVAC company in Orange County guide you to the right unit with the best cost.
The NexGen Dreamers
The NEXGEN Dreamers Scholarship program honors student-athletes who demonstrate exceptional academic ability and strong leadership skills.
The Best Air Conditioner For Coastal Climates
Here are some ways to avoid coastal climate problems. We'll discuss the best air conditioners for coastal climates and provide recommendations.
Is a higher SEER better? In the desert, the answer may not be obvious.
Is a higher SEER rating always better? If you live in desert climates like Palm Desert, California, the answer may not be that obvious. Learn everything you need to know about how extreme heat affects your SEER rating.
Window Air Conditioner Maintenance Checklist
Is your window AC unit not working properly? Are you looking for preventative maintenance tips for your window air conditioner? Our window air conditioner maintenance checklist may be just what you need to save the day!
Tankless Water Heater vs. Traditional Water Heater
Tankless water heaters aren’t that new of a technology anymore, but you still may be wondering what the benefits of a tankless water heater are. Here is a comparison of tankless vs. traditional water heaters for our San Bernardino residents.
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